How Slack Can Help Your Remote Team Be More Environmentally Friendly
Many companies have adapted great environmental practice over the last decade. And with the world facing many tough environmental challenges in the 2020s, more companies are making sustainable practices a priority.
If your team was motivated to participate in environmentally friendly practices, but has now shifted to working remotely, that motivation might have shifted as well - to the wrong end of the spectrum. You might be wondering, "How can I keep my team motivated about environmental issues while they're at home?".
Here's different ways you can accomplish keeping your team environmentally aware, all within your Slack workspace!

1. Use Custom Emojis
The ability to create your own custom emojis is a great hidden feature on Slack. It's super easy to do, and we actually wrote an article explaining how to do it here.
You can create your own custom emojis that are environmentally friendly, and explain the meanings to the entire team in your #general channel.
For example, the 🌱 can be used as a congratulatory symbol every time someone plants a new seed. Or people can use the ♻️ to signify that they just recycled. Get creative with the emojis you create and how you use them.
2. Create Dedicated Slack Channels
This one might seem obvious, but not enough companies utilize the fact that you can make a Slack channel for literally anything you want. Why not make a #environment channel? In this channel you can share stories, encouragement, and create strategies on how the more environmentally conscious people on your team can make an actual impact.
3. Send fun things to your team!
There's not a lot of things that beat receiving a gift in your mail. If you can, try and convince your leadership to agree on a budget specifically for environmental initiatives. That way you can send your team items that will allow them to directly impact the environment in a positive way. This can include reusable straws, eco-friendly t-shirts, or even seeds! In fact, we wrote an article on how you can ship seeds to your team here.