Idea: Hang up your labor law posters in Slack
I remember exactly where the labor law poster hung up at my first job. It was behind the concessions line of the theater, where a makeshift break room was set up in the corner of the same room that the snacks were stored and the dishes were cleaned. As a 16 year old new to the workforce, that poster was a reminder that some rights were unequivocally mine.
If your team has shifted to a remote environment, you might be wondering, "How can I keep my team aware of labor laws?". It's a great question to ask yourself, as giving your team easy access to labor laws shows transparency.
For teams using Slack, here's an easy idea for giving your team easy access to the labor law posters that you're legally obliged to provide anyways. Just create a dedicated Slack channel for them!

See, easy 😃! Don't forget to invite everyone to the newly created channel.